Rae Drury

Seasonal Board Member

The FCPA’s favorite “mop lady” Rae Drury became involved with the theater in 2011 after moving “home” to La Veta that year. She has now served on the FCPA board of directors for a number of years. Among the many things Rae does for the theater, she has especially enjoyed being theater manager for the 2015 musical Quilters and the 2016 musical The Marvelous Wonderettes. She’s also loved her melodrama roles as the crusty “Pecos Fergunson” in 2017’s Treachery at Cartilage Creek and the pirate “Burlap Bonnie” in 2014’s The Treasurer of Shiver River, as well as olio roles in the 2011 and 2013 melodramas. Her murder mystery roles have been equally fun, playing the neurotic “Margo Chastain” in Paradise Is Murder and the trashy “Lana Desmond” in The Last Noel. Rae serves as the theater lobby manager, provides and serves refreshments during performances, decorates the lobby for events, welcomes guests and cleans the theater. In her spare time, she exhibits and sells copper enamel paintings from her home studio.