Nicole Lague

Nicole Lague has been interested in music and theatre for as long as she can remember. She was first introduced to the Francisco Center for the Performing Arts through the Show Choir in 2019. In 2020, she was rehearsing for parts in BOTS! and Little Shop of Horrors before COVID hit. In her high school theatre class, she has been in three different productions, two of which were written by the whole class. She participated in a One-Act Competition with the play The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. In the summer of 2023, you might have seen her perform as the heroine in The Ballad of Gopher Gap. She sang Liza with a Z in Fall Follies and participated in a myriad of other skits. Nicole is an avid singer and has sung with the Adams State University Top of the Nation Honor Choir, the Arkansas Valley Honor Choir, and the Pueblo Choral Society. She has also won first place in the 67th and 68th Otero Arts Festival Solo Music Competitions. You will usually see Nicole singing or dancing anywhere and everywhere.