JD Lind
JD Lind is excited to make his debut to the La Veta Stage. JD can recall his acting career starting in 6th grade. And continuing into a passion throughout high school. JD loves all aspects of small theatre and is excited to dust off his acting shoes. With more of a comedic background JD finds his inspirations from Gene Wilder, Martin Short and Steve Martin. He loving the flare and ability to truly become a different person on stage. JD has experience as early as the 6th grade acting through high school ranging from Duet state Medals, Student directing, stage design and lighting acting in plays from You Cant Take it With You, Cheaper by the Dozen, Grease, Clue, and A Mid Summers Night Dream, and is excited to share those talents with the Spanish Peaks Players. JD is the head brewer and co-owns Mountain Merman Brewing Company with his wife Jen. He is so excited to be living in La Veta and to be apart of this amazing place.