Coral Anderson
Coral Anderson moved to Huerfano County with her husband Dick in 1985 and is now the owner of Corner Cottage Skin Care and a trainer in the Skin Classic technique. Coral recently retired after decades of work as a critical care nurse at Denver's Swedish Medical Center. Coral's theatre credits are too lengthy to list in their entirety but include director duties in Death by Dessert, Happy Hollandaise and the 2015 production of Sylvia. Her acting credits cover many roles in interactive dinner theatre (e.g. "Shirley Dimple in the Last Noel and the doomed "Ruthie Gulliandy" in Jestifiable Homicide). Also a well-known presence in FCPA stage productions, Coral has tickled audiences with her work in summer melodrama, including her turn as the ditzy French maid "Fifi" in The Shame of Tombstone and the equally confused "Paige Turner" in The Treasure of Shiver River. Apart from melodrama, she's kept the crowd in stitches with her unforgettable portrayals of wacky "Patsy" in Oprah Made Me Do It and campaign manager "Marsha Goodhop" in Town Meeting, not to mention her hilarious take on the accidentally comic psychiatrist "Leslie" in Sylvia and, most recently, "Sybil Fawlty" in the FCPA's 2017 Fawlty Towers sketch. Coral served for many years on the FCPA Board of Directors, in turn its President, Treasurer and Vice President, but is currently on hiatus from theatre administration.